【同义词辨析】 2020-03-13 屠杀massacre-carnage

massacre: implies promiscuous and wholesale slaying, especially of those not in a position to defend themselves: arrived in time to view the aftermath of the ~.wholesale有2个意思 1、批发the selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others大量卖货物供人零售,如I am in the wholesale trade我做批发生意,如the retail dealer buys at wholesale and sells at retail零售商批发购进货物以零售价卖出,可以作动词如a product that wholesales at/for 10 dollars a pound那种商品批发价10元一磅,book wholesaler图书批发商 2、大批大规模on a large scale,如a wholesale slaughter屠杀,wholesale westernization全盘西化,如菊与刀中in the seventh century, Japan adopted Buddhism wholesale from China as a religion公元7世纪日本从中国全盘引进佛教)      promiscuous有3个意思 1、滥交的having many sexual partners,如promiscuous sex/behavior/man滥交的性/行为/男人 2、不加选择的、混乱、形形色色的means undiscriminating or unselective,如a promiscuous selection of poems不加选择地挑了几首诗,如gave all the money away in promiscuous acts of charity不加选择地做慈善,花光了所有钱,如a promiscuous heap of clothes堆在一起的衣服)

slaughter: implies extensive and ruthless killing as in a battle or a massacre: went meekly, like lambs to the ~.   ruth怜悯同情a feeling of pity, distress, or grief,如he is ignorant of the power of ruth他不懂得怜悯的力量,很多人很喜欢的词,常作女名,如《菊与刀》的作者就叫Ruth Benedict

butchery: adds to slaughter the implication of exceeding cruelty and complete disregard of the sufferings of the victims: barbarians engaged in savage ~ of the conquered people.   cruel残忍,表示不但不同情别人遭受痛苦,还以此为乐

carnage: stresses bloodshed and great loss of life: saw scenes of the crash and attendant ~.

pogrom: describes an organized massacre and looting of defenseless people, carried on usually with official connivance: a governmentally sanctioned ~ against other ethnic groups.   connivance纵容默许implies a willingness to allow or assist something to happen even though it is wrong,如the deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks在银行的默许纵容之下,赤字增加了)   loot劫掠,特别是灾民

massacre屠杀: 指大量杀死不能自卫的人,slaughter屠杀屠宰: 指大量无情地杀死,如战争或屠杀,butchery屠杀屠宰: 指大量残忍地杀死,不顾受害者痛苦,carnage屠杀: 强调流血丧失生命,pogrom屠杀: 表示有组织的官方默许的屠杀或劫掠

记忆方法: 1)首字母MSBCP没品悲惨事<==屠杀     ""的意思是"使人或动物失去生命",从杀殳声,殳(shū)表示兵器。杀像是在人(大)的下方做上一个被剁的记号,表示,本义"杀戮"  ""从尸者声。    ""是祭祀时"代表死者受祭的活人",与人有关。本义是"宰杀牲畜",如屠场屠刀屠城屠宰,屠夫还喻指酷吏。   ""的本义是"杀",表示和兵器有关,左边本义是"羽毛集束,许多支羽毛粘合在一起",二字合起来表示"合并杀死","集体屠杀",如杀戮屠戮,如戮尸表示陈尸示众;还表示"合力,并力",如戮力同心

         2)屠杀的意思是大量肆意杀人mean a great and usually wanton killing of human beings.    wanton肆意deliberate and unprovoked,如sheer wanton vandalism纯属肆意破坏行为